
Planning for Your Loved Ones Before Retirement

OPTrust Green

The Plan provides valuable benefits for your survivors should you die before starting your pension. It is important that you keep your spousal information and beneficiary designations up to date with OPTrust so we can pay any survivor benefits in accordance with your wishes.

If you die before retirement, survivor benefits are payable in the following order:

  1. Your spouse (if eligible)

  2. Your eligible children

  3. Your designated beneficiary(s), or

  4. Your estate.

View fact sheet

OPTrust’s process for estate payments

  1. Ensure your spousal information and beneficiary designations are up to date with OPTrust via your Online Services account. If you do not have access to an Online Services account, you may submit a completed

    Member Spousal Information and Beneficiary Designation (OPTrust 1015) form to OPTrust.

  2. If you have a disabled dependent child, please submit a completed Disabled Child Information (OPTrust 1065) form to OPTrust.


How to prove your spousal relationship

As a member of the OPSEU Pension Plan (the Plan), your married or common-law spouse may be entitled to survivor benefits when you die. Before paying any benefits to your spouse, OPTrust will need to confirm that your spousal relationship meets the Plan’s requirements.

Learn more


Disabled Child Information (OPTrust 1065)

Complete this form if you are a member or a retired member and you are the parent of a child who is dependent on you and/or your spouse due to a mental or physical disability.

View form

When to update your information through your Online Services account
  • Contact information changes – address, email, phone number,  financial institution or account

  • Life event changes – beneficiary change, marriage, common-law, separation, divorce, death of spouse

Remember to inform your next of kin, power of attorney or estate executor to contact OPTrust when you die.

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Looking for more information, a form or need to update your information?